First of all: I'm sorry that you have to put up with the lame pun in this post title, but I just couldn't help it. One of my favorite -and probably also the most daring- trend this Winter, is PU leather aka vinyl. I have to warn you, people give you weird looks when you wear it AND it can make a squeaky noise... Do we care? Naaaa!
But how do you style a vinyl skirt?
It's actually all about balance. A vinyl skirt makes people easily think of SM circumstances (I'm just being honest guys), so you have to match it with very non-sexy pieces. Think about a chunky knit, preferably in a soft color and comfy sneakers. I've paired it with my brand new (black!!) Clarks Trigenic Flex kicks to give this outfit a more casual feeling. You'll notice that this is a really easy look, sometimes you just don't have to put a lot effort into it. Don't you agree?